11 Ways You Can Use A Melodic Cell: Articulation-Focused Tonal Patterns In All 12 Keys
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YouTube Lesson: 11 Ways You Can Use a Melodic Cell
This 57-page eBook is centered around a common melodic shape and tonguing pattern often used in Bebop and Jazz playing.
The exercises contained within outline a process for taking a cell (a brief melodic idea or motif) and finding ways that it can be used to build lines for study and improvisation.
11 Ways You Can Use A Melodic Cell is a thorough resource for:
• building diatonic technique
• playing through the secondary dominant-tonic (V-I) resolutions of each Major key
• using jazz vocabulary over tunes
Includes 9 patterns transposed to all 12 keys and 2 etudes over the form of "All Things You Are" transposed for E-flat, B-flat, and Concert instruments.